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How often should I use Tev 123 in my home's siphons - pipes?
The frequency always depends on the size of the problem and the elements that pass through our pipelines. For example, on the siphon of the kitchen sink it would be good to do maintenance once a month to prevent the solidification of liquid soaps and fatty substances on the inner walls. In milder cases, once a quarter is enough for maintenance to avoid clogs, bad smells and germs.

Is TEV 123 suitable for pipe unclogging?
Our product is primarily based on the logic of prevention. If you use it to keep your pipes clean, you'll never get to the point where you need a clog. However, even nearly clogged siphons are unclogged with one or two larger doses of TEV 123.

I have heard that the chemicals we pour into the siphons destroy the pipes.
This does not apply to the TEV123! Although there are products on the market that can cause damage, TEV 123 is completely safe for frequent use on all types of pipes as it is non-corrosive. Its results are based on the heat it achieves, which is below the upper limits set by the pipe manufacturers.
*The temperature achieved by the TEV 123 is controlled up to 60 degrees Celsius (a temperature that, usually, the water heater also reaches).
*PVC pipes are guaranteed to withstand up to 90 degrees celsius, so there is no chance of pipe damage.

What precautions should I take when using TEV123?
Before using the product you should have an open window, wear gloves and a mask, as the fumes created by the action of TEV 123 may contain various other solidified components from residues that break down in its path.
If liquid falls on the skin, a slight discoloration is created which passes within a few minutes.
Rinse often with cold water.

I used the TEV123 on the siphons in my house and it started foaming too much.
What should I do with the foam?

Foam is an indication of the size of the debris in your pipes. The more intense the problem, the bigger the reaction and the more foam. Ideally, we want to prevent the foam from exiting the siphon, e.g. with one tap. However, there are times when, to discern the extent of a piping problem, we let the foam come out to show us how reactive it is, and how much debris has built up.
If you have not contained the foam and it has come out of the siphons you can collect it (e.g. with a rag if the siphon is on the floor) and then rinse it off with water.
After regular use of TEV 123, you will notice that there is no longer a noticeable foaming reaction. This means that the pipes are clean!
I read in the product information that TEV123 is also suitable for disinfestation. How is this possible?
Correctly! TEV 123 has multiple actions, one of which is disinfestation. The thermal reaction created with the TEV 123 system kills insects that are located or move in various parts of the sewer networks, such as cockroaches, flies, etc.
By letting the water run after the product has acted, all unwanted residues are carried away into the central sewers.

I care that the products I use do not harm the environment.
Keep calm! The innovation of the TEV 123 system is based on achieving all the actions WITHOUT the use of toxic substances or poisons.

If TEV123 comes into contact with sanitary ware does it damage enamel or inox?
Definitely not! Instead, it cleans and removes rust and soap residue.

How long do I have to wait for the product to work?
The size of the reaction as well as the time it will take to know that the product has started to work depends on several factors. First of all, the more accumulated grease is on the walls of the pipes, the more reaction there will be, and vice versa. Many times the reaction is immediate because the dissolved debris is close to the surface, and other times the cause of the problem is deeper in the pipes and therefore takes a few minutes for the liquid to get there.
In any case, the onset of action is calculated within the first 5 minutes of application.
The duration of action of the product continues for about 3 to 5 days.


Can I use the product in the washing machine wall drain to combat the smell?
Yes of course! Application with TEV 123 will immediately expel accumulated soap residue and solidified substances, eliminating unwanted odors during washes.
Apply the product to the inlet of the wall drain and close it with a plug or plug so that the foam created by the reaction escapes to the inside of the central pipe.


What should I pay attention to when storing the bottles?
1) Close well after use and with the correct safety caps. The red cap on the red bottle and, respectively, the green cap on the green one. The red cap has a special construction with ventilation, due to the property of the ingredients of A3 that could cause slight swelling of the bottle.
2) Store in a cool place.
3) Never attempt to store the contents of both bottles in one container. There is a risk of a strong reaction.



How can I place an order?

For wholesale sales contact us by phone or email.
The purchase is made upon deposit to the IBAN account: GR1202602730000900201287676   Eurobank
Shipping to all of Greece is done via ACS.